Bit fiddeling with Emacs

Posted on November 27, 2022
Tags: howto, emacs

When working with embedded systems I found more and more use for all types of bit manipulations, e.g. fixed point arithmetic, bit shifting, two’s complement, etc.. For example, I often need to convert register addresses or convert sensor data from and to hexadecimal representation.

In need of a good calculator tool to aid these use cases, of course, I came across Emacs Calc (again!), and finally started to really integrate Calc in my workflow.

Here I start a little collection of Emacs functionalities that were very helpful in learning and daily work, programming in bash, C/C++, and Emacs Lisp.

Integer to binary representation

(defun int-to-binary-string (i)
  "convert an integer into it's binary representation in string format"
  (let ((res ""))
    (while (not (= i 0))
      (setq res (concat (if (= 1 (logand i 1)) "1" "0") res))
      (setq i (lsh i -1)))
    (if (string= res "")
        (setq res "0"))

Integer to hex representation

Here is a function from Xah Lee showing the hex number at point in decimal.

(defun xah-show-hexadecimal-value ()
  "Prints the decimal value of a hexadecimal string under cursor.

Samples of valid input:

  ffff → 65535
  0xffff → 65535
  #xffff → 65535
  FFFF → 65535
  0xFFFF → 65535
  #xFFFF → 65535

more test cases
  64*0xc8+#x12c 190*0x1f4+#x258
  100 200 300   400 500 600

URL `'
Version 2020-02-17"
  (interactive )
  (let ($inputStr $tempStr $p1 $p2 )
    (if (region-active-p)
          (setq $p1 (region-beginning))
          (setq $p2 (region-end)))
          (skip-chars-backward "0123456789abcdefABCDEF#x")
          (setq $p1 (point))
          (skip-chars-forward "0123456789abcdefABCDEF#x" )
          (setq $p2 (point)))))
    (setq $inputStr (buffer-substring-no-properties $p1 $p2))
    (let ((case-fold-search nil))
      (setq $tempStr (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`0x" "" $inputStr )) ; C, Perl, …
      (setq $tempStr (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`#x" "" $tempStr )) ; elisp …
      (setq $tempStr (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`#" "" $tempStr )) ; CSS …
    (message "input 「%s」, Hexadecimal 「%s」 is 「%d」" $inputStr $tempStr (string-to-number $tempStr 16))))

First, I started with using simple functions inserting hex numbers after asking for user input.

(defun mnd/bits-to-hex (bitstring)
  "Insert a hex number given a bitstring of 0s and 1s."
  (interactive "sEnter bit string (e.g. \"010110101\"): ")
  (insert (format "0x%X" (string-to-number bitstring 2))))

(defun mnd/convert-integer (i)
  "Show integer representations for input in minibuffer."
  (interactive "nEnter number (ex. 5, #xFF, #b01011: ")
  (let ((dec (number-to-string i))
        (hex (format "%X" i))
        (oct (format "%o" i))
        (bin (int-to-binary-string i)))
    (message "dec 「%s」, hex 「%s」, oct 「%s」, bin 「%s」" dec hex oct bin)))

(defun mnd/insert-integer-in-representation (i)
  "Ask for specific integer representation of input and insert string."
  (interactive "nEnter number (ex. 5, #xFF, #b01011): ")
   (pcase (completing-read "Which representation? " '("dec" "hex" "oct" "bin"))
     ("dec" (number-to-string i))
     ("hex" (format "%X" i))
     ("oct" (format "%o" i))
     ("bin" (int-to-binary-string i))
     (_ (number-to-string i))

Twos complement

To convert the byte pattern for an integer to its two’s complement interpretation the following function can be used (see Two’s complement - Wikipedia).

(defun twos (nbits i)
  "Compute the twos complement of integer i for a nbits word size."
  (let* ((bitdepth (expt 2 nbits))
         (maxval2s (- (/ bitdepth 2) 1)))
    (message "nbits = %i\ni = %i\nbitdetph = %i\nmaxval2s = %i" nbits i bitdepth maxval2s)
    (if (> i maxval2s) (- i bitdepth) i)))

(defun binary-string-not (s)
  (s-replace "x" "1" (s-replace "1" "0" (s-replace "0" "x" s))))

Enter Calc

The integrated calculator in Emacs is great for the above (and many many other) use cases (see this blog post from Dr. Florian Adamsky).


I like to enter calc with: “M-x full-calc” In the calculator window one can simply enter numbers (by default in decimal representation) and use the following commands to change the radix number:

  • /“d 2”/ to binary, with universal argument (C-u) to twos complement
  • /“d 6”/ to hexadecimal
  • /“d 8”/ to octal
  • /“d <n>”/ any other
  • /“d 0”/ switch back to decimal

(In doom-emacs using evil-mode it is capital letter “D”, “d” deletes from the RPN stack.)

To enter integer of different number representations one can prepend the input with “<radix-number>#…”, for example:

  • 2#010101
  • 16#FF
  • 8#16


With /“M-x quick-calc”/ one can solve simple one-liner calculation in the minibuffer. To directly insert the result in the buffer, one can pass the universal argument (C-u).

For example: “C-u M-x quick-calc RET 16#FF RET” inserts the hex number FF in the current radix representation into the buffer, which solve a similar use case as the above function mnd/insert-integer-in-representation.

calc in emacs lisp code

In the calc manual I have read how calc can be used in Emacs Lisp code. Here is a simple example function for similar radix conversions.

(defun mnd/integer-to-binary-calc-string (i &optional nbits twos-complement-mode)
  "Convert integer to calc's binary representation."
  (let ($res)
    (when (null nbits)
      (setq nbits 8))
     (calc-leading-zeros t)
     (calc-word-size nbits)
     (calc-radix 2 twos-complement-mode)
     (setq $res (calc-eval i))

TODO other useful calc functions

As I use and learn more commands that aid my calc workflow— calc-grab or embedded-calc functionalities come to mind—I will describe them here at a later time.

In org-mode spreadsheets

Exemplary use of calc in an org table using some of the above functions:

| int |   bits | twos int | twos bits | signed twos bits |
|   0 |  2#000 |        0 |    2##000 |            2#000 |
|   1 |  2#001 |        1 |    2##001 |            2#001 |
|   2 |  2#010 |        2 |    2##010 |            2#010 |
|   3 |  2#011 |        3 |    2##011 |            2#011 |
|   4 |  2#100 |       -4 |    2##100 |           -2#100 |
|   5 |  2#101 |       -3 |    2##101 |           -2#011 |
|   6 |  2#110 |       -2 |    2##110 |           -2#010 |
|   7 |  2#111 |       -1 |    2##111 |           -2#001 |
|   8 | 2#1000 |        0 |    2##000 |            2#000 |
|   / |        |      <r> |       <r> |              <r> |
#+TBLFM: $1=@#-2::$2='(mnd/integer-to-binary-calc-string $1 3)::$3='(twos 3 $1);N::$4='(mnd/integer-to-binary-calc-string $3 3 t)::$5='(mnd/integer-to-binary-calc-string $3 3)::


I had a specific itch: number representation conversion for embedded software development. With its already integrated calc tool, once again, I could use Emacs to scratch this itch. In addition, it was possible to customize the functionality such that it exactly fits my preferred workflow!